One type that’s a bit less common in pantries: demerara sugar. How is it different from other sugars? And what recipes does it complement best? Experts break down everything you need to know about this lesser-known sweetener.  And good news for experimental bakers: You can find demerara sugar at your local grocery store. However, in terms of the health differences between demerara and other sugars, the general consensus is that it’s no more or less good for you. “It’s important to remember that sugar in any form is still added sugar,” Gorham says. Notably, demerara and white sugar both have the same amount of calories and will cause a similar reaction when it comes to your glycemic index and blood sugar.  “It is recommended that Americans 2 years and older keep their intake of added sugars to less than 10% of their total daily calories,” notes Hultin of sugar in general. “Quantity and portions matter.” It’s really in the texture that demerara differentiates itself as it is a larger-grain sugar than its counterparts. “In baking, you can use them all, but demerara is also more commonly used for a garnish because of its texture and large grain,” explains Hultin. Additionally, while white and brown sugar are softer, demerara is going to be a bit more coarse and better suited to sprinkle on top of recipes. Looking to spice up your baking? Here are some of our favorite recipes featuring coconut sugar that could be swapped for a little demerara crunch: “Consider light brown sugar as a substitute, or try turbinado or muscovado sugar, which have similar molasses flavoring and color,” adds Hultin. If you’re looking for that crunchy flavor to top your coffee with but are out of demerara, turbinado may be your best bet. While demerara may have slightly more nutrients than other types of sugar, it’s important to be mindful of the quantity you’re consuming, in order to manage your blood sugar and overall health. So, as with everything, enjoy your demerara in moderation—but it is an excellent way to diversify the flavor profile and texture of your baking.

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