You’ll also notice your body start to change on the outside too, with surprisingly quick flattening and toning of stomach muscles, increased digestive system function and calm energy that lasts all day long. Breath of Fire is an equal inhale and exhale through the nose, focusing on the EQUAL rhythm at the nostrils. Hold the position for 3 minutes. This posture is sure to change your mood and give you a massive dose of energy throughout your whole system. Bend the knees into the chest and wrap the arms around them. Raise your head so that the nose meets the knees. Begin breath of fire and hold the position for 3 minutes. Inhale deeply, slowly draw the thumb tips together above the head and stretch the fingers, pulling the pelvic floor up and navel to spine. Exhale and slowly sweep the hands down the sides. Press the hands into the earth and breathe long and deep. Mentally focus on the inhale the word Sat and on the exhale Nam. Focus on the sound of the mantra and the breath for 3 minutes. Photos by walker g

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