“It’s about our connection to our body’s wisdom and to nature,” she tells mbg, adding that this card is often thought of as the self-care queen, combining the elements water and earth. “Water is linked to one’s feeling, internal nature, and earth to tangible, day-to-day tasks and functions,” Vanderveldt explains. The energy of this card is generous, grounded, warm, and attuned to the senses. It calls on us to connect to our bodies, our rhythms, and the rhythms of nature—and the magic that resides in these connections, Vanderveldt notes. Look to be present and embrace the moment by tuning into your senses in order to show up fully and embrace the moment and honor your body’s wisdom, she adds. “Tend to yourself first. Get in touch with what your body’s knowing. What does a yes feel like in your body? What does a no feel like? Use that to guide you,” she recommends. “This queen combines practicality with a spiritual trust. Focus on what you have and are grateful for at this moment, and use that energy to align and open up to more of what you want,” she suggests. “For example,” she adds, “if your finances need attention, make a ritual out of reviewing the numbers, setting goals, and creating savings systems.” “This Queen is clairsentient, meaning their feelings and sensations communicate information. We’re often in our heads all day long and find it difficult to hear the body over the noise in our minds,” she explains. “A reversal of a Queen is often calling you inward, to reconnect with your own power and knowing—your clairsentient abilities,” she notes, adding, “Once we recalibrate internally, our external lives find more flow.”

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