This is why I tell several of my clients to focus on strength training with me and work on cardiovascular exercise on their own. I often assign homework such as a spin class, a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class, or a simple cardio session on their own time. Walk at the end of the day for at least ten minutes. I am not asking for a fast walk, a run, a long distance, or anything too strenuous. All I ask is for at least ten minutes of unwinding and relaxing at the end of the day. Walk around the neighborhood, walk around the house, walk around a local track, walk on a nice trail … just walk. I wanted my clients to see this as a mind and body exercise. Relax the mind and eliminate all of your stress from the day and move your body to get some blood flowing and muscles moving. Something as simple as walking ten minutes each evening can have amazing benefits. Imagine how much more rewarding walking around the block is than falling onto the couch and zoning out in front of the TV. Try it for a week, take note of the benefits, use the ten minutes a day to breathe deep and relax. Here are a few simple ways to squeeze the walk into your day:

  1. Go for a walk first thing in the morning (you won’t believe how well this works to wake you up)!
  2. Make your meetings walking meetings (instead of sitting meetings).
  3. Go for a lunchtime walk.
  4. Take public transportation or drive a few blocks away from your final destination and walk the last part instead.
  5. Get in an after-dinner walk (this can feel great for digestion). Whatever works for you, just walking ten minutes a day will make all the difference in the world!

If You Do Nothing Else For Exercise  Walk 10 Minutes A Day - 23If You Do Nothing Else For Exercise  Walk 10 Minutes A Day - 36If You Do Nothing Else For Exercise  Walk 10 Minutes A Day - 62If You Do Nothing Else For Exercise  Walk 10 Minutes A Day - 46