In this episode of mindbodygreen’s beauty podcast Clean Beauty School, I chat with Tsai all about the mind-skin connection. Recently, Tatcha released a new report about the status of folks’ relationships with their skin care and self-care routines, how stress affected their complexion, and more. The findings are fascinating—for example, 47% of the 841 women they surveyed regarded their skin care routines as another source of stress in their day, and 25% said that physical appearance was a main source of stress.  Here, three ways Tsai practices it in her own life.  And all of these benefits “would last for six weeks and are cumulative, so every time you go back it keeps adding on.”  “For example, green tea, rice, and seaweed are superfoods. These are basically fire extinguishers so the body can shut down inflammation pretty quickly,” she says. “And inflammation is something that you can actually see overnight results. You may not completely heal it overnight, especially if you haven’t gotten down to the root cause yet, but you can see results.” Take, for example, the simple act of washing your face: “Put away your phone, turn off the TV, and turn your bathroom into a personal sanctuary. Then when you go through each step, just put a little intention into it,” she says. “Cleansing can be an act of letting go. So when I’m massaging in my face cleanser, I am thinking about all the things I’m holding on to that are no longer serving me. I imagine them literally melting away and letting go. For me, it’s often fear. For the last few years, a bit of anger too. Just let it go.”

How To Reduce Stress   Inflammation In The Skin Naturally - 60How To Reduce Stress   Inflammation In The Skin Naturally - 22How To Reduce Stress   Inflammation In The Skin Naturally - 61How To Reduce Stress   Inflammation In The Skin Naturally - 94