Boat pose, or navasana, is one of those yoga asanas that can be a bit challenging if you’re just starting to strengthen your abdomen. But in time, it will no doubt have you feeling the effects. Here’s how to do boat pose and why it’s so effective, demonstrated by certified yoga instructor and mbg staffer Amanda Quadrini. Always aim to send your energy upward, with a straight spine and active legs, so as to avoid pressure on your low back and sacrum. If you need assistance straightening your legs, use a yoga strap around your feet, and hold the other end in your hands. Just be sure not to round your spine if you do opt for a strap. Keep your shoulder blades down and back, face and jaw relaxed, and remember to breathe. And if you’re interested in chakras, this pose is particularly beneficial for the solar plexus chakra, or manipura, which lies in the pit of the stomach and governs things like self-worth, willpower, emotion, and even digestion. In fact, having a strong core has indeed been linked with better digestion1, along with improved stability2 and endurance3, in research. So if you were looking for another pose to incorporate in your core flow, or you want to tune up your solar plexus chakra, boat pose is a great one to consider. Having a strong core is about so much more than getting a six-pack, and by practicing this pose consistently, you can receive all the benefits.

How To Do Boat Pose  Navasana  In Yoga For A Strong Core - 13How To Do Boat Pose  Navasana  In Yoga For A Strong Core - 20How To Do Boat Pose  Navasana  In Yoga For A Strong Core - 70How To Do Boat Pose  Navasana  In Yoga For A Strong Core - 48