It may seem like a bit of a stretch—I mean, we understand that the state of the bowel influences your skin, but can it really affect your breakouts that much? The answer is a solid yes. Traditional naturopathic doctrine has always recognized the strong relationship between the gut and the skin, and the connection between hormonal acne and constipation is especially solid. (Editors note: Modern medicine is catching up via expansive research on the gut-skin connection1, thankfully.) Many acne patients have many issues with their gut and motility. In fact, often there are genetic polymorphisms (put very simply: something that’s inherited) in acne patients—which is one of the reasons that acne is often genetic—that can even lead to liver stagnation. This affects bile production, which can inhibit the motility of the large intestine, leading to constipation. Another overlooked cause of constipation is an imbalanced microbiome, which is very common when acne is present. An overgrowth of certain microbes in the gut can lead to the fermentation of ingested food, which creates gases that inhibit the bowel from moving optimally.   The body needs to metabolize and remove excess estrogen from the body, and the liver and large intestine have to work very closely to make this happen efficiently. The liver is responsible for inactivating estrogen by adding a methyl group2 and making it water-soluble, and then the large intestine is supposed to remove it from the body.   When constipation is part of the picture, however, two things happen that lead to increased estrogen levels in the body—and more hormonal acne: Deeply inspired and motivated to change the way that skin care and health is approached, Shillington has been able to help thousands of women worldwide clear their acne with her best-selling ‘7-Week Clear Skin Program’, which is delivered online. You can follow her on Instagram @naturopathicbeauty or check out her website. Shillington lives in Toronto, Ontario with her husband and two sons. She is currently a member in good-standing with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario.

Constipation Can Trigger Acne According To A Naturopathic Doctor - 75Constipation Can Trigger Acne According To A Naturopathic Doctor - 23Constipation Can Trigger Acne According To A Naturopathic Doctor - 70