If you deal with back pain, especially from frequent sitting, this is a great pose to help relieve some of that tension, especially because it’s simple enough to do anytime. And if you feel like you’re in need of a breather, pairing breath with the gentle movement of cat-cow can be very relaxing, making it great as a cool-down stretch as well as a warm-up. The bottom line is, whether you incorporate cat-cow in your yoga practice or take a few rounds whenever your back starts feeling stiff, this simple pose is beginner-friendly, quick, and super effective, making it a staple in yoga studios everywhere.

Cat Cow  How To Do It  Tips  Modifications   Benefits Of The Pose - 72Cat Cow  How To Do It  Tips  Modifications   Benefits Of The Pose - 11Cat Cow  How To Do It  Tips  Modifications   Benefits Of The Pose - 45