We can have cords to places as well. Perhaps you were not happy in the city you lived in, so you moved to a new one. Things have started well, but after the first few months, you find certain patterns repeating themselves, even if there is no good reason. For example, you used to feel nervous walking home at night alone in your city, but now you live somewhere very safe and friendly, but you still keep doing the same things you did to feel safe walking alone. You might keep your head down, avoid eye contact, and similar strategies. The thing is, it doesn’t make sense in your current location, so there might be energetic cords tying you to your old city and those old habits. Repeating habits and patterns that came into play with a certain person, job, or location, then repeating them when they no longer make sense can mean energetic cords are present. A happy example of this that might make it easier to understand is when you feel a lingering connection to a particularly amazing vacation you had, and your mind is always there. There is a positive-energy cord to that vacation spot. Not all energy cords are bad. Many of our love bonds are energetic cords that are positive. It’s just a good idea to cut the ones that keep you from moving on with your life. Whenever you feel truly stuck or can’t stop your mind from rehashing some event or obsessing over another person’s motivations, it can be useful to check for energetic cords. If the energy is a burden, you will feel a huge sense of relief once they’ve been cut. You’ll also get some insight into your own life by investigating the cords that bind you. When they are cut, you’ll often be able to see a situation with perfect clarity.  Check again and gauge the mood of your subjects and see if it has changed, now that you have set this energetic boundary. Can you see light around them now, or colors? Often when we reset this boundary, other aspects of the sources of negative energy get healthier when you visualize yourself in a safe place, although some will stay fuzzy gray or black no matter what you do. At this point, you should check in to your visualization to see if there is any kind of cord, rope, branch, thread, spiderwebs, or any attachment between your body and the source of the negative energy you are investigating. Take a moment to really feel this link and see this cord clearly. Where does it attach to your body? How deeply? Where does it attach to their body? How deeply? Seeing where cords attach to locations on the body can tell me a lot about the kind of connection. The next step is to be clear and sure that you want to cut this cord. There are many ways to cut energetic cords. You can simply visualize the cord being cut and pulled out at its source, releasing you both, and dissolving, disappearing, flying up into the light and back to the Source. If you want, you can call upon the Archangels to fill you with light in the places to which these cords and roots were once attached, asking them to restore your energy, healing you and releasing you for your highest good. Allow yourself to really feel this shift, and rest afterward. Do your best not to start thinking about this person or situation again right away, or you are in essence reattaching the cords. Give your mind a complete break and do something enjoyable. Stay in the relief and in the lightness you now feel. This exercise is sometimes more effective with a guide or extra support such as a professional medium like me, and sometimes it needs to be done multiple times. It takes a lot of mental strength and self-discipline to stop thinking about a person or situation that has done you harm, but you must continue to process your deeper feelings and allow the truth to emerge about your situation. Cutting cords can help you start feeling space to do this and does have an effect of breaking the hold this event or person has on us. Excerpt from Vibes From the Other Side © 2022 Catharine Allan with permission from Sterling Ethos, an imprint of Union Square & Co.

Break Free Of Toxic People With This  Cord Cutting  Exercise - 15Break Free Of Toxic People With This  Cord Cutting  Exercise - 71Break Free Of Toxic People With This  Cord Cutting  Exercise - 15Break Free Of Toxic People With This  Cord Cutting  Exercise - 79