Pumpkin season comes only once a year, so we want to eat as much pumpkin bread as we can, as often as we can, before the season passes. Too greedy? Maybe so, but registered dietitian Maggie Michalczyk, R.D., made that dream possible when she developed this healthier veggie-packed pumpkin bread recipe. It’s nutritious enough to enjoy for breakfast or dessert, without an unwanted blood sugar crash.* “Not only is pumpkin packed with nutrition like vitamins A, C, E and potassium and fiber, but the addition of mbg organic veggies+ gives each slice a veggie, fiber, and probiotic boost,”* Michalczyk says. Don’t have pumpkin pie spice on hand? Well, you can make that, too. Eyeballing it, increase the amount of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves to achieve the same flavor profile (consider adding a dash of allspice, as well.) These warm, natural flavors have their own health benefits, but they’re mainly there for the taste. The turmeric and ginger in mbg organic veggies+, on the other hand, offer up unique antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.* With maple syrup in place of added sugar and coconut oil in place of butter, this recipe is already a healthier option than most pumpkin breads. The addition of a greens powder helps enhance the nutritional value even more. Just one scoop incorporates a veggie goodness into the pastry (think leafy greens, sea veggies, carrots, beetroot, and alfalfa), making it a balanced breakfast option. “Adding a serving of organic veggies+ is such a great insurance policy because it can be hard to get everything found in this greens powder through our diet,” Michalczyk says.

A Healthy Pumpkin Bread Recipe With Bonus Nutrients - 45A Healthy Pumpkin Bread Recipe With Bonus Nutrients - 85A Healthy Pumpkin Bread Recipe With Bonus Nutrients - 7A Healthy Pumpkin Bread Recipe With Bonus Nutrients - 95