So, to get skin that’s both soft and strong at the same time, you’ll want to follow some simple guidelines:  The first thing to be mindful of is UV damage, as that accounts for about 80% of premature aging1. So please wear sunscreen daily: There’s nothing better for your skin care routine than a diligent SPF habit.  But you’ll also want to incorporate antioxidants. “It’s basically a substance that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals,” board-certified dermatologist and founder of OptiSkin in NYC Orit Markowitz, M.D., explains about antioxidants for healthy aging. “Antioxidants are things that interact with free radicals, and they decrease these free radicals on our skin, creating a healthier environment.” Adding in an antioxidant serum (like a vitamin C serum) daily will do wonders for your skin in the long run.  But here’s the hard truth: collagen, elastin, ceramides, and hyaluronic acid all naturally decline with time—regardless of how well you protect them in the first place—so here’s how you can replenish and rejuvenate them in your skin.  Here are a few nutrients to keep an eye out for: However: It’s not a long-term solution. HA serums are fabulous for many reasons, but they won’t provide sustained or compounding results. (Essentially, you’ll get a lovely boost while wearing it, but eventually it’ll wear off and you’ll need to reapply.) But that doesn’t mean using it isn’t worthwhile. Personally, I use an HA serum almost every day because I love how soft it makes my complexion look.  Another great use case: using hyaluronic acid in lip products, like in this lip balm. Finding one with a low molecular weight (look for sodium hyaluronate on the label) can give the lips a soft, plush look while keeping them moisturized throughout the day. 

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